transmission only mode..

By Mobius


Should be spelt epitome apparently, but I prefer the above. Same issue with program (if English).

A last minute email, requested that we each brought an object to yesterday's final zoom that summed up what we had learnt from our 8 week MBSR program (for chronic pain sufferers). I had about 5 minutes to find something and ended up with the above, which I grandly announced as an installation rather than an object. 

I liked the more more cognitive style of this program and in particular the meditative version of mindful movement done by the course leader and the different movements in a Plumb Village Monastery version.

So I picked "The Thinker" style statuette (re cognitive); The trainer (re movement) and threw in "Joy as an act of resistance" album to represent how enjoying something links to the theme of self-love & self-caring. It's my least favourite Idles album, but I love the title. Certainly not something to listen to relax to; it's raw and more about social comment and protest. 

Everyone brought a completely different object and style to their object or objects. Typical of me, to meet the objective I started with the fact/logic and matched things I liked (and had readily to hand) to that.

NB MBSR stands for Mind Based Stress Relief.

I have an affinity with New Balance in part being very fond of Boston (US) that I have visited a few times.

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