
By dunkyc

Don't panic

Nothing is easy.

Following yesterday’s blip about The Youngest’s tooth coming out (thank you for your hearts, stars and comments – she’ll be well chuffed), I adjusted my wings, straightened my tiara and headed up the wooden hill to bedfordshire. 

Tip toeing into their room, I felt under her pillow for where I knew she’d placed the tooth inside a little note she’d left for the fairy. I found the note, but no tooth was inside. Uttering a most un-fairylike expletive, I fumbled around the other side of her pillow (how she didn’t wake up is beyond me) but came up empty. 

I scratched my head. Had….had an actual rogue tooth fairy beaten me to the job and made off with the goods without leaving payment? Was my crafty six year old daughter carrying out a devious test?

Should I leave the money or an explanatory note for the absence of money alongside a legal disclaimer. No, that’s ridiculous, the typewriter would wake her up…

Unable to bear the thought of her disappointment at waking up without any spoils under her head, I left the money and soundlessly (aside from swearing again after banging my head on m’boy’s bunk) slipped away again.

She was delighted to find the monetary gift this morning and made no mention of the tooth. On my return from school drop-off, I went through her bed to try and find the tooth. Still nothing.

I have asked EW2 to check under The Youngest’s pillow tonight as I am curious to see whether or not she is trying to double dip the Tooth Fairy. Is it wrong that I would be quite proud of her If she was running a game to earn more cash?!

Maybe I feel that way, because I can’t handle the tooth. 

No, I will not apologise for that.

The Eldest also got in on the oral action today by having some braces fitted. She’s doing well despite feeling a little self-conscious, although I am disappointed that she wouldn’t let me try and stick fridge magnets to her mouth. I even offered to spell out her name, but she wasn’t having it.

I cheered her up with a Dominos, their extortionately priced cookies and a viewing of Thor Ragnarok, which is always good fun.

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