
Over to my Dad's today. I had a little walk into the woods near the station as I'd taken my camera along today. I ended up going further in than I intended as I saw hares! I took photos, but as the hare was a ways off and behind some twigs they were pretty grim! The other two younger hares I saw were chasing each other and much too fast to even attempt a shot. Still, it was lovely just to have seen them.

I Blipped this avenue through the woods. Those woods are a bit strange, as I was sure this part was in the opposite direction from the way I walked. 

I picked up a bit of shopping for my Dad on the way and then did housework. His problem is, he won't tell me what to do! He says he's never been comfortable telling anyone what to do. I wish he would, as I can't guess! Anyway we cleared out quite a bit of rubbish, as well as getting some laundry tackled

Grace brought me home and I've washed my hair ready for going to get my roots done and hair trimmed tomorrow. - can't wait!

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