Dunster Castle
A while back I forgot to remove the disc lock from my front wheel. She's a big girl, is Morrigan, and she did her best to pull away anyway. That left me with a slightly off-true disc, and I swapped that out yesterday. Today, I took her out for a 165 mile ride down to Porlock with a sandwich.
The journey was the thing; the destination a pleasant place to have lunch. Morrigan performed brilliantly and the front brake is soooo smooth now. I took a shot of the breakwater (or perhaps the broke-water) and that's in extra, but what I really liked was Dunster Castle.
I alway intend to take this shot, every time we visit. But somehow we always go straight in and park up, and by the time we leave the light's gone. The best place to photograph the whole of the castle is out on the A39 before you get to the turn for the castle entrance.
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