Dave Flap

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

We've installed a "Dave Flap" in the garage door. 

Well, when I say "we", I mean a man did it. 

Dave is unsure at present. If you lift the flap for him, he will go through it. But he seems to have issues with the concept of "pushing the flap open". 

I'm sure he will get there, eventually. 

In other news, Faz and I have been working on a little play to illustrate how wonderful Microsoft Teams is. I was thinking of all the reasons people won't like it, and realised that the best way to address them is to have ME be that person, while Faz very reasonably explains why I am wrong. 


Well, I don't see what so wrong with sending email the OLD FASHIONED WAY. I didn't get to where I am today by listening to YOUNG PEOPLE.

But this way you don't have to bother attaching files, and you don't even have to think about including everyone!

Bah! I don't care for all this MODERN MALARKEY.

Like that.

Caro told me that I should really make Faz the villain of the piece because she is South African and they make the best villains. I told Faz this and then asked her to say, "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!!" to me. 

Fortunately, Faz knows what I am like now and she took this well. 

All the same. I think we will stick with the roles we have. Everyone likes to make fun of the stuck-up Englishman, and I am planning on going full Boris in our presentations. "What rot!" "Pshaw!" and so on.


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