Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Fir tree and pink blossom tree.

The morning is lovely here in Rishton as you can see from the beautiful blue sky in this photo. This is an area called Shawbrook.
I am in danger of making an idol out of this glorious Springtime, but I need to remember and praise the Creator of all things, who is deserving of praise for all the life lessons we are facing each day, whatever the weather is.
Friday has it's own energy, and it feels comforting somehow. My left leg is still healing and the pain is less, but some numbness remains.
Paul is self isolating as he faces his cataract operation early Saturday.
I am getting on with housework and Social Media. Much of my energy is going into Missionaries for God's Animal Kingdom, on Twitter, which is enjoyable and fruitful. Lots of comments to read. It is energetically like a kaleidoscope as new people join and unite their paths and learning. We are learning a lot from each other, about how our faith informs how we live and eat and try to protect vulnerable animals..
Steps so far :5266.
Step count 9pm : 9339.

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