Brown sugar

Whilst waiting for my TV debut, I calmed my nerves with some science geekery. I spent an hour tinkering with the microscope, looking at brown sugar crystals, salt, the white powder from a prescribed medicine capsule and lint from the tumble dryer, which I have to say looks VERY cool.

This is soft dark brown sugar at 40x magnifcation. Adjusted the levels slightly, but aside from that, this is as it was in the scope.

I am refining my use of the microscope and discovered a number of features that allow the flare to be reduced somewhat, but not completely eradicated as yet. Previous suggestions have helped, but I think I am going to have to look into an ND grad filter of some sort. EDIT - AFTER POSTING, I DID SOME RESEARCH - it turns out that the problem stems from the t-ring attachment not having an internal optic of it's on. With some advice from an online forum I have now got the set up so that there is no flare at all. Have just spent have an hour looking at a rotten tooth! Haha

Anyway, finished my Year 7 reports today that I said I would do. Had lunch and a long overdue catch up with a friend. Slept late, prior to lunch, and had a bit of a snoozle after lunch. Feel very up and down today. Nearly cried, but didn't. No reason, just felt the tears coming. Told myself to man up. Pain is bad.

My blog article about my journey, which I posted here a few weeks ago, is being published on a support site for fellow sufferers of endometriosis. I am glad that someone else feels that it will help others.

Two weeks.

And yes, I was on the telly box :-) Think I did OK. Fisher king blipped me...Here.

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