Got up at 5am and left the house at 5.30am, however I did not go to the canal, but went up the main road to Lenzie Moss, which I felt was a bit safer. It was an amazing morning again, frost, mist and a lovely sunrise. My main is minutes before the sun rose and the extra was the sun just coming up. Hope you like them.
The man who was attacked is apparently okay, and the police are following the assault up. They will probably never catch them.
A lovely sunny day, but not as warm as yesterday, however managed to get some gardening done, and hopefully after I have  my  meal with is spaghetti bolognese, I will take the dogs another quick walk.
Many thanks for your visit, sorry if I miss anyone out for replying to your comments, but I am trying to get to bed reasonably early as getting up every day at 5am gets a little tiring.

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