I Don't Believe It !!!!

And those who know me won't believe it either !
Earlier this week I found an unopened packet of 'choccy biccys' in my cupboard. An unusual occurrence in itself, but nothing compared to the fact that it was past its 'best before date'! According to the packet it was part of a multipack - which would have been two. During the first lockdown I got out of the habit of buying biscuits as my shopping was done for me, and biscuits are always an impulse buy. So I must have  bought them over a year ago - ate one packet then forgot the other one? Unbelievable!!!
Needless to say - they will not be wasted even if they are a month past their BB date - but now they have been opened they won't last long - that's the trouble with biscuits, one is never enough (and they go stale!).

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