Little Buttercup
Thank you for your commiserations. I'm pretty useless with my left hand, so life is slow and clumsy.
How TM, also right-handed, and I produced 3 left handed children is a mystery. All 6 grandchildren are right-handed. The daughter welcomed me to the word of the corry-pawed. I'm not enjoying it much.
I've bought a waterproof cover for my arm, so managed a shower this morning, sheer bliss. A bra that pulls on over my head should arrive tomorrow, so at least I'll be able to dress myself. I have an appointment for an X-ray next Friday which will show whether I need surgery. Fingers crossed ...
But I got my second CV jab on Wednesday, and no reaction this time ... and I finish the knock-you-silly painkillers tomorrow, so hopefully a little bit of energy will return.
TM took us over to Selkirk yesterday, and there I found this shopfront, a one-time branch of the Buttercup dairy. Thought it might do for Flower Friday , Thanks to BB.
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