
Today's the day..................... to have a tea party

Because we can now, we invited our next-door neighbour up the road, Elizabeth, to come and have tea with us in the garden this afternoon.

We were very aware that this invitation carried with it certain responsibilities, because we have come to know a little bit about Elizabeth since our arrival here a couple of years ago.  For a start, we know she is a brilliant cook, because she invited us for Sunday Lunch once.  In fact, I would imagine that her standards are very high in most things that she does.  Despite living on her own and being of somewhat advanced years, she is very independent and perfectly capable of looking after herself.  We also know (because she said) that when she goes out for tea, she likes proper cups - and napkins.

So, we pulled out all the stops today.  We looked out that three-tier cake stand that we'd had as a wedding present (and possibly never used!) and the tea-set from my Great Aunt Jessie.  Will made cucumber sandwiches and I made a fresh orange cake and flapjacks.  We found some napkins.

And we all had a lovely time - enjoying each other's company - and the Afternoon Tea ......................

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