Covid Freedom Day

The Battle of Culloden took place on this day in 1746. The hopes of Bonnie Prince Charlie that rode so high just down the road from here. at Prestonpans, the previous September were cruelly crushed in the shambolic rout on bleak Culloden Moor.

On the beach first thing this morning it was another beautiful spring morning. Every groyne was being used as an impromptu changing booth as the scores of sea swimmers took to the water. I did wonder if this sea swimming trend would decrease when the pool reopens? I am not convinced it will.

Today was (early) Covid freedom day. We chose to stay local as we imagined the beauty spots in the formerly forbidden lands would be heaving with the recently liberated.

Today we enjoyed a productive photographic assignment, a local perambulation and a warm afternoon in our garden followed by mandatory Friday night viewing of Gardeners’ World !

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