The garden is coming alive.
An early start on the plot, a tad chilly, so found a job in the sunshine, turning the compost bin contents. I manure mulched the soft fruit bushes, after a bit of weeding, Rose Bay Willowherb is a pain, but easier to remove than bindweed so not complaining. Rinsed out the compost bags ready for refilling if & when the opportunity arises. The sun was shining, Bobby Robin was following me around, looking for tasty morsels to feed the wife & offspring. I picked the first nettles of the year to make nettle liquid feed, Did a few minor repairs, adjusting strings securing my bean support systems, cleaned the glass cloche top (redundant window frame found behind the shed last year). Gave everything a water then potted up some pieces of yellow flag iris that had dried out overwintering in the shed, Signs of new growth so hopefully now they are in compost will come on again. More plants for the charity sale. :-). Hubby came up to the plot to see what I was up to, then headed off to find me some rockery stone.
Back home at 2pm, I could have stayed up on the plot all day. So peaceful, & satisfying. Did a bit of watering, then spotted this tulip had opened so snapped this one plus a few other varieties that are looking good.
Taxied hubby down to CK so he could meet up with his drinking buddies. I spent couple of hours chatting with Mum, then got the call. He was frozen .... It's the wrong time of day to be sat outside at this time of the year however old you are ...
Thanks to BikerBear/Annie for hosting
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