Before & After

Spent most of the day working away at the allotment. Lots of seeds planted, the bed raked and tidied ready for Jo to plant peas and beans this weekend, the daffs deadheaded, the rosemary bush pruned back and the rest of the herb patch attacked to rid it of years of invasive weeds. That was enough!
Back home and we opted for pizza for our tea, using up the chorizo sausages left over from the last pizza. Changed the pizza dough this time though; still made a quick dough that was ready in half-an-hour but much tastier than Jamie’s yeast-free version. Think I’ll stick to that in future.
And it being Friday it was international quiz night again. Not a full complement of quizzes but a good laugh none the less. And a tie! But no tiebreak, that’s been tried and failed miserably.

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