Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Carson's Antiques and Collectibles

I was talking with my friend Melody on the phone this morning and she said she was so tired of staying home so I suggested we make a junk shop trip and she was all for getting out and about!   With lunch!

I had heard about a shop we had not visited in a small town about an hour from us so we heading over that way.  Found a little diner...Mary's cool is that!...where we were able to have a hamburger for lunch.  

We shopped about 3 hours, looking and talking with the ladies in the store. There were actually two different stores and they had plenty of interesting stuff!    I really feel for these people trying to maintain a business in such a small, off the beaten path location.  We were the only people in the one store and there were only two other women in the second store.   We did find out that Saturdays they are a little more busy because of the local flea market right down the road which apparently draws people from all around the area.    Especially in summer when the local farmers (and they all farm!) will bring produce to sell.     We might go back on a Saturday to check this out!

The collage  is some of the things I saw.  Who doesn't love a chair seat that is stitched with flowers!  The old camera almost came home with me!  The paper mache men were so life like.  I don't know how anyone works with that kind of art and gets such great detail...we found out that there is an art class place next door (open only on Saturday) where they teach this kind of work as well as painting, pottery and other things. The wreath is made of pages from a large dictionary!    The swirly colors a large flower vase, a baby blue table and chairs reflected in an old mirror on a dresser,  a collection of classic cars, a yellow door decorated with a cute knob and the last photo is a collection of tiny pots and vases I actually bought to add to my collection!    Except for the glass perfume bottle.  I could not pass it up as it was so pretty and did not cost much.   Under $20 for all of this!   

A good day of talking, eating, laughing and hanging out with my friend.  We all need days like that.   Plans in the works for another day together soon!  

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