Food for thought!
Sausages are bad for us, bacon is bad for us, fat is fattening, sun is dangerous, moon makes you howl, drinking makes you drunk! so what the Hell is goood for you?
Running!! you have more chance of being mown down by the silent creeping jogger than you have being hit by a car! They run about in packs with flashing armpits, and big sqooshy bottles of water or some power juice (which probably is bad for you too). Then there are those who diet, neighbour across the road has some calorie counter thingy on her laptop that she confesses to telling it forgive me for I have sinned ...I ate a slice of cake!!
Serioulsy when are these folks going to get a grip and realise that the only winners in this game are the big food chains plying you with the latest fat free horse burger (I like horse by the way) the health industry by getting us to part with our pounds sterling to buy stupid running shoes then we wonder why our knees and heels are shot.! I so know who is going to bite me on this one!!!
What about folks living in the jungle who have never heard of fat free butter, semi demi super duper watery milk!! I dont hear they drop off cause they dont eat their ficitsious 5 a day (a figure dreamt up at a world food conference cause they were on the fith floor!)
Why cant we be left to eat what the Hell we like, drink what we like and be left in peace and not have to watch that trash on TV about embarrasing bodies and fat verses skinny! Not I. So gie us peace
Happy blipping
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