Kendal Rugby Club
Delivering (nearly*) Outdoor First Aid to canoe Club coaches this weekend... A kinda return to normality....
Except the day started with lateral flow test (9/10 of the participants have recieved the vaccine, a couple are tested every three days).
I didn't choose the venue, so had to work with what is. Fabulously we had both weather and a huge veranda to work on... So people could socially distance when they could. Its a fairly practical course, but some elements are best indoors with a screen - I'm a big fan of putting a tick in every type of learning style... But eventually (quickly) with First Aid you need to get to the doing stage. We had a group chat about what was optional (a lot) and what was recommended, but I explained I'd be teaching how to deal with a first aid emergency in the real, right now world... So a respect for Covid risk, but also an element of triage. Oddly enough masks and gloves have always been standard operating procedure on my courses lol. For paddlers rescue breaths are vital - so each has their own assigned maniken with their name on to demonstrate, but in group scenarios we've not done then (just mimed). The maniken will all be sanitised and given new 'lungs' Sunday evening.
*Despite " river access" we had virtually no 'real' outdoors, so had to improvise a lot more than usual. Made me glad my own courses will be returning to my selected venues from next weekend. But I should say... Kendal Rugby Club is an amazing venue, the town is very lucky to have it.
Funny postscript....
I'm a get up move about and demonstrate kinda instructor. Despite the fact that I never got more than 200m from van all day I've just looked at my watch with says 17,500 steps!
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