Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Cherry blossom time

The first cherry blossom I've seen this year.
The wedding was a week ago today so the first anniversary already. I still can't believe how lucky we were with the weather. The photos we've seen are lovely.
A lovely day today too, still only around 13° on the thermometer and a chilly wind but nice in the sun. I spent most of the day on the garden.
The potato sacks are done, 4 sacks and a crate actually, to see how they compare!
The broad bean plants are in the cold frame, I've planted more sweet pea seeds, some soaked, some not, to compare. Planted lettuce, rocket and radish seeds I forked over the veg bed and did some watering, it's forecast to rain tomorrow, but just in case!
The radishes are planted in an old washing up bowl. We noticed it had cracked the other day so I put a couple of strips of duck tape across the bottom to stop it shattering and drilled half a dozen holes in it for drainage. Waste not want not!
I topped up the water in the pond and flushed out what was our frog pond but sadly, this year, it seems to be vacant. Going to keep an eye out for some tadpoles if it's not too late.
Chicken curry for tea, we reckoned there were at least eight different veg in it too, plus mushrooms, banana and grapes!
Line of duty tonight, series 3 episode 4, good to have several series to watch, keeps us occupied and focused.
Keep safe everybody, the restrictions are easing, I'm looking forward to some garden meet ups and to seeing some old friends again.

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