It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Waxing Crescent 12.9%

I'm really down at rock bottom at the moment. Back is only pain free when I'm doped up on pain killers and Diazapam. 2021 is the worst year of my life so far. Illness after illness or issue after issue. I've read that keeping cheerful and doing what you enjoy will help to improve health and help to heal. However I love to do macro photography (which requires bending) I love jigsaws (which require bending) I love editing photos (which requires sitting) The most uncomfortable thing ever. So I am at a loss.
Off work and stuck in the house like an invalid. While the painkillers and diazapam were working I took a moon shot last night! 

I'm  climbing the walls with being stuck and feeling absolutely rock bottom. 
I adore looking at all you photos though

Its a minute to Midnight......

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