
By RavensRoost


They blossom, and then
We gaze, and then the blooms
Scatter, and then…

~ Ueshima Onitsura

Bella, her mom, and I went to get Bella's bangs cut today. After we visited a farmer's market and then walked beneath one of three flowering trees in full bloom--a moment of heaven.

Thank you for your comments and stars for "Inspecting the New Digs". the Wood Ducks are still debating the merits of the house Jeff put above the pond. In the meantime, a Chickadee couple was exploring the inside today. I don't know if a Wood Duck house is suitable for such birds. We shall see...

We are experiencing unseasonably warm weather of 80 f/26.6 c. It is lovely to experience such sunny, warm days in mid-April. Yet, I find myself hoping for rain soon as that is the "more appropriate" weather here this time of year.

I am working on a quilt and listening to books. I just finished a couple of mysteries by Sujata Massey. The stories are based in India in the early 1920s. The main character is a young Parsi female lawyer with a feminist point-of-view, who works with her father in his law practice.

Currently, I am listening to Migrations, by Australian author, Charlotte McConaghy. It is literary eco-fiction, a climate novel with an opening line that reads, "The animals are dying. Soon we will be alone here.”
I wasn't sure if I would like this story, yet, I find myself engaging with this novel and its characters.

Ellen Morton reviewed it for the Washington Post and closed out her review this way: "In many ways, this is a story about grieving, an intimate tale of anguish set against the incalculable bereavements of climate change. There are many losses, but lives are also saved. Franny charts our course through a novel that is efficient and exciting, indicting but forgiving, and hard but ultimately hopeful."

I listen to the chorus frogs in the pond, calling out to future mates on this warm night, and I hope Bella will experience a future where humans are helping the earth and its creatures to heal.  

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