The Pop-In

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

I worked and worked and worked on the podcast today. Episode three doesn't have a very good story. Episode two had good stories, episode three is literally me just romping through about a dozen films. 

But still, I'm trying to make it as entertaining as I can via the magic of editing. I really enjoy this part of it. And every time I learn something new I want to use it. 

It's fun. But I can lose hours. 

So it was the perfect day to go and see Lulu (cat) at Loulou Cottage. It was a lovely day for a walk and here's the little kitty peering at me as I retrieved the house key.

Lulu and me are friends now, so she didn't run away when I came in. In fact, she rubbed around my legs and purred when I opened the cat food. Although, as soon as she had finished she buggered off and showed me her bum.


But it was just what I needed after a day of sitting around. I went home and played with Jasper and Punky. 

Also with Dave. He brought Dr. Girlfriend around and she watched, enviously as he chased his Birdy on a Stick. I don't think she knows how to "cat" yet. But she'll get there.


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