
from Brant Fell

This was our view as we listened to the bells of St.Martins’ church in Bowness ring out across the lake and hills at 3pm.

It was the most beautiful day and I had got wind of the chance of catching up with a rare migration north of the M&R species and so flew down to the south lakes to coincide with them.

As I drove down by Ullswater everywhere was chockablock and Windermere was busy. As I headed back in darkness there were people camped up in vans on Kirkstone and all the lay-bys.

Apologies for not keeping up on here very well at the moment.

The Meaning of Existence- Les Murray

Everything except language
knows the meaning of existence.
Trees, planets, rivers, time
know nothing else. They express it
moment by moment as the universe.

Even this fool of a body
lives it in part, and would
have full dignity within it
but for the ignorant freedom
of my talking mind.

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