Gimme my stick....

Took H for a quick walk this morning before we all headed to Granny and Granddads as they were looking after L and H whilst MrsT and I had the pleasure of IKEA then DFS in Edinbrugh.

First time in months we’ve driven that far!

IKEA was a bit of a nightmare. Very little social distancing going on and a few folks not even wearing masks but jibber jabbing away non stop.

DFS was better. We’ve seen sofas we like and a bed.

Back home and I had to pop onto my sisters as my team (Rangers) were walloping their biggest rivals (Celtic) 2-0 in the Scottish Cup and her and my nephew follow Celtic so had to do a drive by.....

Took H round the Linhouse Glen in the evening and we had a lovely walk but it was spoiled by a load of litter and garbage left by the young team from either Friday or Saturday night under the viaduct.

Scum of the earth! It a was disgusting some of the stuff they left behind.

Rant over.

Back to work tomorrow so maybe I’m a bit grumpy.

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