Playing with Light

By ChrisHilton

The Pinhay Pixie.....

.....whilst cleaning windows at one of the local care homes; I spotted the Pinhay Pixie. I imagined that it may be the long forgotten, treasured possession of a departed resident....but I was wrong!
This is Stan. When les Patrons of Pinhay moved into their first house; Stan, was, in fact, the long forgotten, treasured possession of the previous owner of the house.....or maybe....not quite so treasured, as Stan (so named as the property was called St. Anne) had been left as a house warming gift. Stan was soon exiled to the shed, and later, as les Patrons moved on, abandoned, or gifted, if you are being generous, once more.
Les Patrons moved away from the area and then moved house again, but after the second move, were greeted by none other than Stan himself, resplendently repainted!
Although Stan has never been packed, he has moved with them ever since. That's twenty nine years now......perhaps les Patrons ought to be careful about who they get to help them move......

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