
By PlanW

Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclopidyer...

RHS Gardeners' Encyclopedia of Plants & Flowers.  I saw this in town the day before the last lockdown, #11?.  I intended to go back for it but got distracted and forgot.   I went back for it today.   This is the third copy of this book that I've bought.  The first one I bought because I thought I needed it.  The second one, I have no idea why I thought I'd need a second one.  I left one copy for the girl who bought my last house, I gave the other to a charity shop and now I've bought a third.  From a different charity shop.   Thus nature balances itself. 

While I waited at the door to be admitted, much as I might have waited to get into a nightclub 4000 years ago, I saw a couple of pairs of shoes and thought they looked right up my street. It turned out that they were right up my street, up the path, through the door and up the stairs. I'd donated them in the last lockdown. I decided not to buy them back. Today.

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