There's a light at the end of the tunnel ......

..... and it's emerald green. Actually, I had a lovely day at work. Enjoyable lessons with great work produced by the pupils. Lots of well deserved merit certificates awarded to the children in the assembly. Positive feedback from my lesson observations with some very practical and well-informed suggestions on how to improve my lessons. However, there was a downside to all this positivity; feeling light-headed and as if I would throw up at any moment. Not just me, either. Two class teachers off sick, one class teacher feeling very sick, the ESOL teacher off sick, one shadow teacher off sick, one office staff off sick, the Deputy Head feeling sick ......... In a school with only eight teachers, this is bad news indeed.

This is what got me through; the promise tomorrow of a date with Valerie to see Oz, The Great And Powerful. If we can schedule it, we will also take Arthur to a koma (spinning top) tournament. Somewhere Over the Rainbow dreams do come true.

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