Barden Bridge

Mrs madwill and I had a day out today at Bolton Abbey, North Yorkshire. Took an age to get there...there was just huge amounts of traffic on the road with long slow queues at every junction.

Anyway, we arrived just before 10 a.m. parked up at The Strid tea room and partook of coffee and a piece of cake (half each). We then set off on a walk to Barden Bridge (main photo) crossing over the bridge and walking back along the opposite bank all the way to the Pavilion where we had lunch (tea and sandwiches from the kiosk). We then walked on to the abbey ruins.. (a phone pano shot in extras) taking in the splendid view of the big bend in the river (another phone pano in extras). I crossed the river on the stepping stones while Mrs madwill photographed from the bridge - hoping I would fall in I think (evidence in extras..a couple of the stones were a bit dodgy).

Back to the Pavilion for an ice cream, then back to The Strid - another extra - and to the tea room for a cup of tea and then home! Walked 9.5 miles (according to Strava).

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