Well, I've already used my glass of cider
which makes me very happy at this time of day :-), but what also gives me joy is seeing the wildlife in my garden, not in the garden shed like the beginning of a wasp nest I have to add, love the structure however :-) but the cheeky hoverfly that gave me the evil eye, teasing me with my camera, but I got it :-) The simple but beautiful form of the forget-me-not, and the making of new plants. Today it was Rosemary cuttings. I planted some new Rosemary plants around the allotment plot this morning. They'll hopefully encourage wildlife to the garden, pollinators in particular, producing a bumper crop of everything. I wish!!
Today I've planted two rows of spuds (Marfona), turned a piece of ground ready for the first batch of sweetcorn plants, then cleaned/weeded, potted on a batch of Winter flowering Hellebores, a beautiful plum coloured Scabious, & some Euphorbia. Gave all the charity plants a good watering, then headed back home.
Fetched the paper plus a few bits, got home, hubby still in bed. I headed out into the garden with my coffee. Jobs to do, & done. A gloriously sunny, warm, blue skied day .........
I came in from gardening at 4pm. ...........
"If you move the stones I'll clean the goldfish pond".
"Sorry, I've finished gardening for the today"
Cider time was an hour early today. :-D
Got to go, I can smell dinner ...Smells like Xmas!! Roast turkey tonight.
Another day of silence ...................
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