Welded to the spot

On a whim I prised up a decades-old layer of impacted dung - as you do -  and found that the underlying cobbled flooring had created this reverse pattern. This was in one of the sheds once used for farm animals, I hasten to add.

It got me thinking how local all the traditional building materials once were: stone and slate from local quarries, sand and pebbles from the beach, timber from the woods, clay from nearby pits, lime from the limestone shipped in to seashore kilns - there was no need to import much from beyond the immediate vicinity. And the same went for foodstuffs which in the main could be sourced locally when people's culinary desires and expectations were so much simpler.

Which leads me to share this delightful account of a farmer in the next county whose commitment to the land and a  lifestyle  of near monastic routine are a reminder that constant variety is not essential for contentment.

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