The day to start is today

By Traci

I try to take life one day at a time,

but sometimes several days attack me all at once

Not particularly looking forward to this weekend, long hours and a lot of waiting around. Bottom numbing really. Early Blip today as myself and two youngest are off to Reading tonight so we are ready for youngest's gym competition that the Head coach carefully and quietly filtered through to us all we had to be there for EIGHT in the morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not happy bunnies at all. Most of the girls are not even competing until nearly 5, yep that's right, 8 hours of watching all the other competitors before they go on - for a minute and a half. Now if she tells me at ANY point in the future that I don't love her ...... I will just mention Gym competitions. She does love it and has a great group of friends that all train together but it does get to the point of why? sometimes.

While I was waiting for eldest but one to finish at the hairdresser this afternoon after work, I drove up to my thinking spot to breathe in a bit of calmness and remind myself that 'I live right here' (just to the right where the road disappears from view) and there are worse things that I could have to do - or absolutely nothing at all !!! Remind me I said this tomorrow at 3 o'clock when patience is wearing thin and nerves are starting when the girls go off to warm up.

I have got my stack of things to do (which I never look at- but makes me feel better if I take them) and we are going to stop off on the way to get supplies for the day, which is keeping the girls onboard (food always seems to do the trick)

Now I just need to go and make sure the kit is all still in the bag and find the Sat nav :)

Have a great weekend Blippers

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