When was the last time…
…you "did a Reggie"?
I have NO @£$%^¥ idea, prior to today. I once, in my youth, did a "cause the car to face the other direction using forward and reverse gears" frequently erroniously termed a "three point turn", in the gap between the two rows of ten houses. When I was 1/2 done, and diagonal across the gap I must have had 3 - 4" travel back and forth - BUT - I did it.
I had a dental appointment this p.m. and, like a clown, put my head down for a short ZZzzz.
Over cooked it and whizzed up to Town Head to find that gap. With attendant "Blue Badge" I could have gone on double yellows, - BUT - "old habbits die hard" and this was the result.
The extra is "just for fun"/my record. I have a tiny sample of that pink rubbery stuff which stayed behind when he removed the square-mouthed shovel from me gob.
He tells me it's basically Seaweed.
Why was the Sand wet?
Because the Sea weed.
BTW - if you don't know WHO Reggie is, you're too young; search:-
"Reginald Molehusband"
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