
12°C  -  11 mph ENE Wind Speed  -  14 mph Gusts  -  Sunny Day.  Managed to get a GP appointment this morning  -  my big toe has swollen and is painful.  My GP appointment was via phone!!!  Luckily he had the good sense to refer me to a nurse, so I had to ring off while he found a nurse.  Then he rang me back with an appointment with Nurse Inga.  Interesting how surgery nurses are referred to by their first name and doctors by their surnames:)  Inga is lovely and she restrapped my toe and prescribed an antibiotic  -  Flucloxacillan.  I’ve to ring the surgery on Monday if the redness and soreness persists.  When I got back to my village there was a long queue of cars being held up by red lights  -  my blip shows the cause. Some roadworks have been going on all week  -  things look a bit serious now☺

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