Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

My Garden Fairy really does exist.

This glorious morning was made brighter by the presence of my gorgeous Garden Fairy in her natural element. In the garden she is the happiest soul I know, why does she have to come indoors or my shed and spoil things?

Podge Overbury had a claim to fame, he was the drill instructor in the film ‘Cockleshell Heroes.’ The true story of the attack by the founders of the SBS on German shipping at Bordeaux, the Gironde estuary. Only two men survived the attack and German executions. The leader, Blondie Haslar and Bill Sparks. After the war Bill became a London bus driver. His son joined the Corps.

Podge always wanted to be a drill instructor. As a recruit he trained his recruit troop to carry out drill in their huge dormitory accommodation at Eastney Barracks. One of the most awkward and annoying drill manoeuvres with a Lee Enfield and the later SLR, was ‘fixing bayonets’ on the march; it was hard enough at the halt; as you released your hold on the bayonet it was not unusual to hear a knife hitting the ground, oh woe is me!. Podge taught his squad and showed the drill instructor what they could do. The movement was not taught at the time. When the RSM saw what was happening he went ape, gave the instructor then Podge a real verbal kicking. 
Podge persevered. His first job as drill instructor at the Commando Training Centre (CTC) pitted him against a Marine, Jim Robinson, a dear friend from his days in Malaya; he got Jim the prestigious job of unit postman at Nissoon barracks, Singapore, this came complete with a company vehicle, a ‘Red Devil,’ you may know it as a bicycle. Jim was given an easy ‘number’ or job by Podge, at CTC he was the unit dustman. Jim enjoyed his task as he collected all the empty beer bottles etc, returned them to the NAAFI, thereby boosting his income. Podge drank neither tea nor coffee, Jim ran the Commando School coffee boat and demanded his good friend pay as everybody else did. 
Retribution was swift. He was removed from his easy number. His income dropped savagely. Jim made his peace, the Sgt major did not have to pay for what he did not consume. As Podge marched a Squad of men in full blues past the garbage truck Podge called them to the halt, turned them to face Jim and said the following, “Listen to my instructions and learn, or you will end up like this useless bastard.” They adored each other, went ashore together and stayed friends until both “Crossed the Bar.” (Jim had been a guide on HMS Victory, a whole list of tales went with him to the ethereal NAAFI)
You will not believe what happened to Podge next. Can you wait until tomorrow? 

EXTRA. A still from Cockleshell Heroes, Podge is to the right as the drill instructor. 

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