
By SnaphappySally

Mill pond

This was the scene at about 8am this morning at the house. The boat moored up late last night and set off again early.

Last night I zoomed into a webinar with Mark Carwardine a renowned photographer who has been a judge on the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. I’d sent in a photo I took a while ago of snow monkeys in Japan, not thinking he’d even look at it. But it was there, critiqued and quite favourably ! He called it “lovely”, so I was happy :)

We had a leisurely breakfast then cleaned up before leaving about 10:45. We headed for Shrewsbury where my sister lives. Great to sit out in the garden with her and her partner and catch up. We haven’t seen each other since November. We even exchanged Christmas presents!

We left about 5 and were home just after 6. We’ve unpacked and I’m just waiting for R to finish his time on the rowing machine ( think he’s missed it) and have a bath, before we have dinner. It’ll be nice to sleep in our own bed tonight, although we’ve had a fabulous week.

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