Brick Wall & Wheel

We took Tess's Dad out in Tiverton this afternoon to help him buy something for her Mum's birthday next week. Not much time for blipping so took a quick couple of shots of this waterwheel outside the Tiverton Museum. Got home just in time to accompany our son Chris, who is flat / house hunting at the moment, in viewing a potential flat. We might have the house to ourselves again before long, which will seem odd as for the last 2 or 3 years one or other of our kids has been temporarily living back home before moving out again.

Having just read Kendall's Wednesday's blip helped clarify something that was in the back of my mind about why this shot (subconsciously?) appealed to me. Why do I (and, I suspect many of us) feel the compulsion to stay on this wheel of daily blipping, despite the regular brick walls I hit when it comes to inspiration? What Kendall says about re-discovering the moment, saving time and holding back time certainly struck a chord with me and says it far more beautifully and poetically than I can

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