Does it taste like Chicken?
The last time I visited this place they were just setting up. I drove past today and it was quite interesting to see a herd of about 50 goats grazing in the field. They have obviously expanded as there were more goats in the buildings and pigs rooting about in paddocks that looked like the Somme.
I have eaten goats a couple of times, once at a BBQ in Greece and in a stew in the Dominican Republic, it was very nice as I remember.
I have been busy at work recently, struggling to blip (this was the only picture I took today) and not much time to comment so sorry about that. This picture was taken out of the car passenger window as I stopped as I passed.
Late edit:
Rather spookily I just noticed last years blip and I drove past the same lay by this morning and the same van was parked there again!!
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