Still cycling

CyclopsJnr has cycled to school and back every day this week, for the Sustrans Big Pedal. He gets a point for the school each time, and a point for his Division. He is always keen to contribute to his Division.

It is 4.5km each way to school so that's quite an effort he's putting in. Although he's been good for the distance we've not wanted to push him so he's too tired for school. This time his stamina seems much better though, so maybe we'll bike in routinely sometimes.

Another week of Big Pedal still to go though.

After school he played out again. We're very happy to live in a quiet street with other kids, where he can do this. Stories in the press this week indicate it is pretty unusual for kids his age to be allowed to do this, but in our street kids younger and older than him play out.

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