
By Fuentes3

Echium Pininana (I think)

Echiums are supposed to stay in the Canaries, but one has got away...  This one I think is a Pininana; and in the Botanical Gardens of the Atlantic in Gijón, I´ve seen one, but it was pink not blue. This one is growing wild, but, without her connivance, in a piece of spare ground that my near- neighbour cultivates. 
I´m showing you a standard short-telephoto photo of blossoms (and a bee) among leaves, and as extra a macro of a blossom. 
And for a sight of what it looks like - it´s about 8 ft high at the moment - there´s a link here: https://www.plant-world-seeds.com/store/view_seed_item/2656?currency=GBP&gclid=CjwKCAjwg4-EBhBwEiwAzYAlskjfqqSGufdI3YnCoqhvn39-MPcQdky1eNHLUgaBZ05xaNp6WCyjQBoCezcQAvD_BwE

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