The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Glorious sunset

A full on day after the excesses of the night before. Walked our usual Friday coffee route. A sneaky sit down in a quiet corner to chat. A slow walk back to see Lynne, who had had a traumatic  experience  at her hospital  visit. She has two weeks to await results  so she won't  relax until after that has happened.  We tried our best and soon had her laughing her wonderful cheery laugh and that cheered us up too.  The three dogs had a ball. Star told off Casper twice as he does like  to do what dogs do. She's a wiley gal and won't  let him away with it. Changed from the scardeycat puppy she was when I got her at 7 months. Good to see, but when we left her alone in the house, she wasn't  happy. She wanted to come shopping. Don't  think she's  up for that yet. 
Market day tomorrow,  so we'll  see how she copes.

I finished off the Maggie's Den sign and delivered  it along with the daffodil  bulbs I'd  promised Heather that I'd  dug out of the grass. Everything  is starting to get done now, but as  one thing gets ticked off another gets added.  Tis the story of our lives.

Quiche and salad for dinner.


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