Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


A quick picture of the "studio" light that came home with me on Thursday night! Shabnam's son got it with his DSLR but has no use for it. It took me a while to work out how the bits all fit together but I got there. :)) Now to try it out when Santos comes next to record a karaoke song with G!

The day started with an OaSis meeting on Zoom. We had a super session with a small group. Lunch followed and a siesta and then at 3 pm, I joined a few people from my youth group for another bible study. It was my turn to lead this time. We had people join from Melbourne to Toronto! Glad to say that went well too.

I was about to do a blitz in the flat when I decided I'd better check where  Nara is. His wife answered the phone, and with her limited English, informed me that he is in Dubai. PERFECT. I guess he will get in touch when he's ready or it is safe to. I spent some time combing through the job description and researching the company that I've been invited to an interview tomorrow. And we are ready for another week. It's been a good weekend despite the numerous engagements!

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