Taking the air

Andy was playing golf this morning so Merlin and I took an extra long walk into the local woodland.

The trees are just starting to flush, particularly the birch and hazel, whilst the oak and beech leaves remain tightly folded in their buds.

To my delight we found some areas of the woodland floor filled with bluebells. We wandered slowly and sat for a time to take in the warmth of the sun, the birdsong and peace. Merlin had a wonderful time following scent trails and leaping over fallen trees.

We returned home and I had pancakes with lemon for lunch, whilst Merlin had a few dog biscuits.

This afternoon I sowed seeds including leeks, courgettes, marrows, sweet corn, calendula, and French marigolds. The window ledges are now filled with seed trays.

Saturday night curry tonight. With all the fresh air and exercise of the day we are all feeling happily sleepy!

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