Sleeping like a log.......

Another dry ,sunny day.
Cattle fed then headed off to drop Junior off for his lift back to Uni.
Back home by 1 pm to bag up very stoorie sheep feeding, then do a cattle mix ready for tomorrow.
Next door for a load of silage for the morning ,then a whizz round the cows to check if anyone on calving. All quiet so should be ok till the morning.
This calf was hiding when I fed the cows this morning. Mum is a shorthorn cross,cross being the operative word !
She joined the others for their cake but her calf wasn't with her . She knew exactly where she had left it though, as she came tanking across the field when I went to find it .
That is why folk should keep out of fields with stock in at this time of year. The right to roam is a disaster just waiting to happen. You are merrily walking across a field,no cows in sight,dog on lead as required,when you happen across said sleeping calf. Next thing you know it lets out a roar and mum appears over the horizon at a rate of knots intent on defending her baby to the death - yours,not hers !. So for your own safety ,keep to the roads and admire the view from afar.
Just saying .

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