Memorable Day

St George’s Day slips by almost unnoticed in England but it is a ‘Memorable Day’ in the Royal Navy.
The Zeebrugge Raid on 23 April 1918, was an attempt by the Royal Navy to block the Belgian port of Bruges-Zeebrugge as is often the case not all went to plan.
Socially distanced coffee and cake with friends Richard and Jackie this morning was interrupted by having to rescue Sam and Paddy or ‘Boulder’ as he might be renamed. When he sits down and decides he’s not moving, he won’t move.
More mundane stuff like shopping in the afternoon before walking to Ponsharden and our first shoreside meeting of the EPIC GIGability Veterans Gig Club. I managed to avoid either volunteering or being voluntold for any positions, I have enough on my plate already.

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