I come from a Navy background - my father and grandfather both served in the Navy for most of their working lives. In my father's case it was his high school and his only employer as he joined the Naval College at the tender age of 13 (during WWII) and retired after 40 years at the ripe old age of 53.
My dad still marches each year - they don't march as far as they used to, not because they're older but because the route needed to change a few years ago to avoid the construction of a light rail through the centre of Sydney. COVID was responsible for cancelling last year's march (for the first time since in many years.
Regrettably, they no longer march past The Cenotaph in Martin Place - perhaps that will change again soon seeing as how the light rail is now completed, but who knows.
ANZAC Day is also the day when the group my father marches with (a grab bag of ex-Navy) has their AGM. Needless to say, being 90 years old, he was a little weary (and a tad intoxicated) once he got home - nowhere near as much as he used to be of course!
On the left hand side of the blip are my grandfathers WWI medals and on the right are my father's (mostly post WWII - he officially served in WWII even though he was never posted anywhere being at school at the time).
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