The Adventures of Easter Boy & the Tuxedo Kid

It was morning in the llama yard, and Easter Boy and the Tuxedo Kid were making big plans.

"Let's blow this popsicle stand and boost a car. We could be in the Big City in two hours or less!" said the Tuxedo Kid. "I think we could be in the movies. You know, like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid!"

"Let's go!" said Easter Boy. "We ARE pretty cute. I think we could be big stars. Besides, I want to see the sights and learn how to play the accordion!"

But it was not to be. For the llama supervisor was nearby, and poked her nose into things, as she is always wont to do. "Now, you boys SETTLE DOWN AND BEHAVE!" she said sternly.

So with a sigh, the two little llamas went back to their usual routine: eating grass, cavorting through the llama yards, napping in the sun, and rolling in the dust.

But it's springtime and as soon as somebody's back is turned, these two will continue making big plans for another day's adventure! I mean, honestly, who would deprive a baby llama from learning how to play the accordion, or becoming a film star? WHO???

The soundtrack song is this one: Rusted Root, with Send Me On My Way.

P.S. This story is one I made up. All I know in the For Really Real World is that these are the two newest baby llamas at the local llama farm. The one on the left is Tuxedo. The one on the right, born on Easter, is called Easter Boy. The rest of it is a tissue of lies!

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