
By ayearinthelife

The Flood

There is a controversial flood defence scheme about to be installed in Kendal. Leaving aside the possible destruction of wildlife habitat, the cutting down of many trees and the installation of ugly concrete walls, the main issue for me is that it won’t protect against the level of flood that triggered the need for defences in the first place.
Storm Desmond in 2015 resulted in widespread flooding in the centre of Kendal, and six years down the line there are still bridges missing or needing reinforcement. But money was obtained from the EU to build flood defences, even though it is freely admitted they won’t prevent flooding if there is another Desmond. And like most bureaucratic plans, it seems that once the money is there, it is going to get spent regardless of whether or not it’s actually a good investment. Some would say the new defences will only move the problem up or down stream. Others argue that it would be better to keep the river well dredged and free of weeds. But that would be an ongoing expenditure which would not be covered by the grant and thus we would all have to pay through Council Tax.
I’m sure that the works will proceed and can only hope it won’t totally destroy our lovely river banks. No one wants to stroll along the river and only catch glimpses of it through the odd glassed in sections of a concrete wall.
And at this moment in time, you really have to wonder if it is needed at all. I’m not saying the river is low at the moment, but I reckon I could easily walk across without getting my feet wet!
It seems the only way we will ever find out if the defences work is for there to be another storm. At which point we will either praise the installation, condemn it as a waste of money or commiserate with those communities up - or down - stream which have suddenly suffered unexpected floods!

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