
By Mazzaacon

Just chillin’

After a lovely wee afternoon/evening last night with our friends, managed to get myself up and out on the road bike before 8.30am, which fair helped.
Nice wee walk with Bobby boy when I got back, than family arrived from East Kilbride for our first catch up in months. So glad we got the garden finished as the sun was still beating down on us today, even though it was chilly.
Took my niece and son down to see the Lambs after lunch, and we all just took some time to lie (avoiding poo where possible), on the grass and just chill while they all chilled out too.
All in all, another nice wee day and, this time next week, I’ll have been able to see my Mum at the Care home, before we head up to our favourite holiday cottage for the week:-)

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