Inveraray ready to reopen.

There is quite a buzz in the town as tomorrow morning everything reopens.
I'm sure the owners of "non-essential" businesses will be desperate considering they've had no income for almost a year.
These small businesses are  only non-essential to people who don't rely on them for their income.

We even have a new business  opening up. The Harbour Gallery. Looking through the window the art in there looks stunning so very much looking forward a visit.

As you can see the bikers are back too and they've already managed to make their mark on 2021 with the road being closed last Monday. 
I had to dump my car and walk the last couple of miles home from work through the Argyll Estate. Fortunately it was a beautiful evening and three of my colleagues were walking with me.
I'm sure the money they spend on a bag of chips far outweigh the cost to the local economy of road closures, paramedics, police time and the air ambulance.

As a "retired biker" I know that speed and inexperience are the real issues along with a complete lack of respect for the hazards and challenges of the A83. Will they ever learn? Sadly I doubly it.

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