Three photos

I had a nice day, today. Coffee with Izzy at 08:30, and I took today's photo while we were out walking and drinking our coffee from ManCoCo. Obviously the lovely weather helps but this is a shot that sums up Manchester for me in some respects (ie the ones not related to eating and drinking).

Later in the morning I was on a long work call and went for a walk, as I find it quite difficult these days to simply sit still while being on the phone. I wandered 'round the archaeological dig at the nearby (ex) car park, and that's my first extra.

Later in the day, I drove back up to Kirkby Lonsdale and met my long-standing chum Hugo for a drink in the beer garden of The Snooty Fox. He is my second extra and I'd like to think that portrait captures something of the lovely fellow he is.

Reading: '(R)evolution' by Gary Numan

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