Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Two pictures that grace the sideboard in my folks dining room taken around 23 years apart. The first was taken at school when I was in primary 3 (C+C were shipped in for the occassion) and the second was taken by Maggie when we moved to Edinburgh in 2004.

I always hated the first one - look at my hair, and my teeth! Ugg! My sister had a lovely haircut, what on earth happened to mine? - but seeing it here against this more recent one I love that we have it and that, weirdly, we adopted the same positions :)
Would have loved it even more with better hair, but what can you do?!
My brother hates the second one and to be fair it is a most unflattering photo of him, Claire and I look positively svelte by comparison...and that doesn't happen too often!

I think it might be time for a new one. After I've lost some weight I'll have my hair done, keep my mouth closed when smiling and demand several retakes. Yay digital cameras!

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